Here's a before and after picture of our Alexa widget:
That's a tremendous 15 million drop !!
It seems the folks at Alexa threw away the original algorithms and cloned a new one. We don't like the new algorithm, Alexa!! Particularly when it dropped us by so much.
Could there really be 27,754,366 more blogs better than us?
That's depressing.
On the other hand, as clone we understand why Alexa is trying out the new alorithm. They were tired of the original and thought that a clone will have improvements. After all they have become the 2nd most important ranking mechanism on the net after Google Page Rank.
Established blogs like was 20,000 something also dropped to 47,238. More blogs dropped instead of improved in their rankings.
Anyway, a positive light to it is we are only beginning so we will be seeing some leap and bounds (like some million rank jumps) the next couple of weeks !!